Our founders wanted a strong and fair national government. They wanted to protect individual freedoms and prevent the government from abusing its power. They believed those things could be accomplished by having three separate branches of government: (1) The Legislative branch is made up of the 2 houses of Congress, the Senate and the House of Representatives. Their duty is to make laws that are written, discussed and voted on in Congress. (2) The Judicial branch oversees the U.S. court system. The Supreme Court is the head of the Judicial branch. Unlike criminal courts, the Supreme Court rules on whether something is Constitutional... permitted under the Constitution.
Before going on to the 3rd branch, take a look at, and compare the constitutional/legal responsibilities as laid out above... where we started... to where we are today, and it becomes quite clear that we took a wrong turn somewhere. As a result, the majority party in Congress (Democrats) is exluding the minority party (Republicans) when discussing and writing laws. The Supreme court is no longer simply one branch among three co-equal branches, but is not the "supreme" branch. Many of our current policies on criminal justice, education, morality, etc., are the result of action by the Judiciary branch, not the Legislative branch. Making it even worse, in a number of cases recently, the courts have unilaterally reversed the outcome of direct elections by the people.
The President heads the 3rd branch, the Executive, which makes laws official. He approves and carries out laws passed by the Legislative branch. He appoints cabinet members, negotiates treaties, is Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. The cabinet consists of the heads of the 15 major departments of government.
Since January 20th, we've watched this president and administration go far beyond the aforementioned duties to not only appointing Cabinet members, as he's supposed to, but also appointing... Czars. I don't know how many Czars they had in Russia, but I'm thinking Obama's out-czaring them. Easily. So, now we have an Energy Czar, Bank Bailout Czar, Drug Czar, Great Lakes Czar, Border Czar, Stimulus Accountability Czar, Urban Czar, Regulatory Czar, Middle East Czar, Iran Czar, an Afghanistan and Pakistan (Af-Pak) Czar, Cyber-Security Czar... and new this week, a Pay Czar; officially, "Special Master for Compensation". And... they answer to no one. Except the Czar Czar.
President Obama has fired the head of a private company, hired a tax cheat to head the Treasury Department, hired the supporter of late-term abortion for Health and Human Services, a Governor unable to control her own state's borders as head of Homeland Security... forced banks to take unwanted, unneeded taxpayer money... had to think about whether to "allow" those banks to pay the money back... has spent billions of our $$ to keep car companies from filing inevitable bankruptcy, and now is standing by while GM bond holders get pushed behind the union, changing GM from General Motors to Government-UAW Motors. This president's determined to control private lives, no matter how much money has to be printed, or how much of our country has to be sold off to China.
I guess when you're the Czar Czar you get to do that.
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